Corporate social and human rights responsibilities : global legal and management perspectives
Clasificación: HD 60 C822 2011 | Agregado: 07/10/2020
editado por Karin Buhmann, Lynn Roseberry, Mette Morsing. -- Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
xv, 293 p.; 22 cm.
ISBN 978-0-230-23089-7.
Incluye índice.
Contenido: Introduction -- Setting the stage -- Conceptualizing the home state duty to protect human rights -- A necessary supplement - What the United Nations global compact is (and is not) -- Balancing power interests in reflexive law public-private CSR schemes: the global compact and the EU s multi-stakeholder forum on CSR -- Protect, respect and remedy: a critique of the SRSG s framework for business and human rights -- Regional perspectives -- Corporate social responsibility in Africa: a fig leaf or a new development path worth pursuing? -- It s our business: ensuring inclusiveness in the process of regulating and enforcing corporate social responsibility -- Public procurement, international labour law and free movement in EU law: protect, respect and remedy -- Business responsibilities and human rights in Latin America: lessons and inspiration for the future -- Combining law and management -- Business commitments in CSR codes of conduct and international framework agreements: the case of human rights -- Regulating the levers of globalization: integrating corporate social responsibility into the Capital-raising process -- Institutionalization of corporate ethics and corporate social responsibility programmes in firms -- The organization of CSR as a means of corporate control: from do-gooding sideshow to mainstream.